Ill be addressing an ongoing problem Ive increasingly noticed over the years with many of the traders in the industry. Most are dreamers at best, irresponsible at worst, each with some grand theory or scheme for getting the most bang for their buck with trading, especially in the area of FX trading. These people have little to no foundation in trading, instead preferring to do things the fast and easy way instead of the right way. And all of them think if they can just make that perfect trade then theyll be sitting pretty.
I would like to greet the roughly 99% of newcomers to the market, the people who help the professionals and giant firms generate so much money daily. These traders from all over the globe surrender a few hundred million dollars to those who actually use their heads.
Starting off, you need to know two extremely important things: focus and help. To be focused, you must know what you want, how you are going to get there, and your own ability.
Its a waste of time, resources and energy to jump at every glamorous and potentially dubious opportunity out there. Frankly that kind of behavior leads to failure, which works out well for your rivals in the zero-sum game.
Day in and day out, I witness traders who become investors immediately, retaining a lot of the cash they acquired in the market without having the first clue about how to put it to work. This strategy has its advantages in any market, but it will pay off big only when the market goes through its next upheaval, and that won’t come for decades.
Consider what you want from your career. The time has come to pay attention to people who know what they are doing. These people have lots of experience in the trading market and can point out the errors you are making.
Earlier the second thing I mentioned you need to know is help and help can also come in two ways, either mental or technical. Right now I want to talk about technical help which can be either Forex systems or EAs. EAs have lately become a sort of fad in todays market. Investing your money in a low level EA may be to your advantage. They are sold over the internet, just buy one and use it on your live account.
When I started out I tried all the EAs I could buy and although a few of them cost me precious money, others made me money consistently. Additionally, some systems are trader dependent. This means your trade can be best optimized by a certain EA. By applying these two concepts, focus and help, you should do just fine in the FX Trade.